June 27, 2024


Water softeners are a common solution for dealing with hard water in many homes. If you’re considering installing one or already have one and are curious about the Water Softeners affect on your drinking water, read on for a detailed overview.


What is Hard Water?

Hard water is rich in dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals can lead to various issues in your home, including:

  • Scale buildup in pipes, appliances, and fixtures.
  • Less efficient water heaters and other appliances.
  • Soap scum and less effective soaps.

To tackle these problems, many homeowners install water softeners, which replace these minerals with sodium ions through ion exchange.


How Water Softeners Work 

Water softeners function by replacing hardness minerals like calcium and magnesium with sodium or potassium ions. The system features a resin bed filled with tiny beads that hold sodium ions. As hard water flows through the resin, the calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged for sodium ions, effectively softening the water.


Water Softener Affects on Drinking Water 

  1. Sodium Levels

One noticeable effect is the increase in sodium in your water. The amount of sodium added is usually minimal. For example, an 8-ounce glass of softened water has about 12.5 mg of sodium, similar to a small slice of bread.

If you’re on a sodium-restricted diet, this is something to consider. Using potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride in your softener or having a separate unsoftened water faucet for drinking might help.


  1. Taste

Softened water might taste different due to the sodium or potassium ions. Some people find it tastes better, while others may not notice much change. The removal of metallic-tasting calcium and magnesium often results in a smoother taste.


  1. Health

For many, the sodium increase in softened water isn’t a health issue. However, those with certain health conditions like hypertension should consult with their doctor. A reverse osmosis system can remove most of the sodium and other impurities, providing high-quality drinking water.


  1. Minerals

Water softeners remove calcium and magnesium, which are essential minerals. Although drinking water isn’t the main source of these minerals, it’s crucial to get enough through your diet.


Alternatives and Complementary Systems

If you’re concerned about the effects of softened water on drinking water, consider these options instead:


Dual Systems: Some homes soften only hot water, leaving the cold water (for drinking and cooking) hard.


Reverse Osmosis Systems: These systems can be installed under the sink to purify drinking water, removing sodium, potassium, and other impurities.


Potassium-Based Softeners: Using potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride can reduce the sodium content in softened water.


Understanding your water softeners’ affect on your drinking water is crucial for making an informed decision. Whether you’re looking to improve the taste, reduce the sodium content, or ensure you’re getting essential minerals, there are solutions available to meet your needs.


At Beyer Plumbing, we prioritize meeting diverse preferences and needs with water softener brands that are reliable and effective. Visit our product page to see our selection from trusted manufacturers like Drop and Nelsen, who are known for innovative solutions and improving water quality.


Looking to improve your home’s water supply? Beyer Plumbing is offering a special of $300 off on water softener installations. Contact Beyer Plumbing today to take advantage of this limited-time offer and enjoy the benefits of softened water.

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